Stop Tripping Over Tree Stumps

We take care of stump removal in Gastonia, Lake Wylie, Mount Holly, NC

Are tree stumps becoming an eyesore on your property? Stumps don’t just hurt your curb appeal—they’re also dangerous. If you want to make your yard a safe place to roam, schedule stump removal services today. We’s is Trees offers professional stump grinding in Gastonia, Lake Wylie, Mount Holly, NC. We’ll remove unsightly tree stumps from your yard safely and effectively.

3 facts about tree stumps

3 facts about tree stumps

Professional stump removal is the best way to clear your yard of unwanted tree stumps. Here are three things to keep in mind about tree stumps and stump grinding:



  1. Tree stumps can attract wood-boring insects, like beetles and termites.
  2. Removing tree stumps without stump grinding equipment can be extremely difficult.
  3. If you don’t remove them properly, you can cause serious damage to your landscape.























When you take down a tree, it’s important to remove the stump, too. Leaving stumps behind may not seem like a big deal, but they can cause serious issues down the road. Call We’s is Trees today for top-notch stump removal services in the Gastonia, Lake Wylie, Mount Holly, NC area.






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